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Process technology

Nano Flavor®

membrane filtration for de-alcoholization

Nano Flavor® dealcoholization offers a simple and gentle method of producing alcohol-reduced beverages.

Whether beer or wine, Nano Flavor® technology works gently at low pressure and preserves the valuable flavors. The low-pressure membrane technology enables energy-saving dealcoholization without thermal stress.

The modular and compact plant concept can be easily expanded and flexibly adapted to your needs. Daily production volumes of 10-200 hl are possible with our standard skid sizes.



Key facts

  • gentle process preserves aroma
  • sensory high-quality NAB or LAB
  • no production of off flavors
  • no thermal stress
  • energy-saving
  • low pressure < 6 bar
  • optional water degassing module
  • compact plant design with low overall height
  • no distillery approval required
  • different degrees of automation
  • creative possibilities for new products
  • permeate can be used as aroma-neutral hard seltzer base


The dealcoholization of your beer is done in three process steps.

First, your beer is concentrated and pumped through the filter module in a circuit. During this process step, water and alcohol can pass through the membrane, but all other ingredients cannot. This produces a beer concentrate.

In the second process step, diafiltration, the amount of alcohol-water mixture removed by filtration is replaced by the same amount of degassed water. The alcohol content of the original product is thus reduced. The process is maintained until the target alcohol content is reached.

Finally, the dealcoholized beer concentrate is rediluted to the original amount with degassed water. This yields the finished product, which only needs to be carbonated.

The technology was developed in cooperation with Memo3 under the direction of Dr. Johannes Kiefer.

Small footprint - simple integration

Our Nano Flavour® systems can be installed in small footprints and only require low room heights.

The low consumption values allow easy integration into the existing infrastructure.

Membrane dealcoholization by nanofiltration

Our systems are equipped with hollow fibre membranes based on polyethersulfone (PES).

This also enables the processing of beer with yeast and hop trub with simple cleaning using standard CIP systems and media.

You would like to test the process first?

KEGs of 50 liters can be dealcoholized in our compact pilot plant. This gives you the opportunity to dealcoholize your beer on your premises or in our laboratory. The plant is usually available to you for four weeks to allow sufficient time for extensive tests with various products and their tastings. Of course, after detailed instruction by our process expert.