BarthHaas Grant for research by Banke process solutions

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Michael Kohles
M.Sc., Dipl.-Brewmaster
Tel. | +49 8084 50370-18 |
BarthHaas Grant for research by Banke process solutions
For the research work comparing the newly developed External Dry Hopping System "LoopulEX" with classical dynamic dry hopping, the BarthHaas Grant was awarded by Stephan J. Barth and Dr. Christina Schönberger for the first time in a web conference on 12.11.2020.
The thesis showed that the LoopulEX method can achieve the same analytical and sensory results as previously established technologies. With considerable savings of beer losses, short process time and without introducing hop particles into the fermentation and storage cellar.
Involved in the work were Prof. Dr. Fritz Jacob and Dr. Martin Zarnkow from the Weihenstephan Research Center for Brewing and Food Quality BLQ, Dr. Nils Rettberg from the Research Institute for Beer and Beverage Analysis (FIBGA) of VLB Berlin, Dr. Christina Schönberger and Roland Novi of BarthHaas GmbH & Co KG. Ferdinand Gutsch, future project manager at BANKE process solutions, wrote his master's thesis within the framework of this research project, building on previous work by Michael Kohles.
Many thanks to the whole team for these valuable new findings and especially to BarthHaas for the support and appreciation through the award ceremony.