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First banke GmbH compact brewhouse goes to Switzerland

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Christine Mack


Tel.+49 8084 50370-20

For the Swiss brewery Engadiner Bier AG a new era will soon begin. The brewery will find a new home in S-chanf, Switzerland. For this new brewing facility, Engadiner Bier AG is placing its trust in banke GmbH. With the Sud Sixty Six compact brewhouse, we were able to convince the brewery to opt for a novel, innovative concept.

The original plan was to install a conventional 5-vessel-brewhouse in the new building. Since our Sud Sixty Six is a 2-unit brewhouse with a lautering time of only 60 minutes and can produce up to 6 brews per day, we were able to offer a space-saving alternative that also impresses with its extremely low energy consumption. This not only saved space, which can now be used for a brewery store. The energy supply can also be significantly smaller - which saves costs, also during construction and installation.

We wish Engadiner Bier AG all the best for this exciting time and much success with their beers!

Are you also interested in a highly efficient compact brewhouse? Feel free to contact us, we look forward to hearing from you!