Late hopping
Brewhouse technology for fine hop aromas
Late additions of hops in or downstream from the whirlpool impart typical brewhouse hop aromas, which can be blended with hopping on the cold side to produce particularly fine and well balanced sensory notes. Late hopping is key to the harmony and the stability of the aroma in strongly hopped beers. Yet even with traditional beer styles, these systems provide an excellent means for accentuating their unique hop character and to improve drinkability.
We offer technologies that not only increase extract efficiency but also optimize the separation of hot break material. Our systems achieve reproducible and significantly higher aroma yields with pellets and, especially, with whole hops.
Late hopping downstream from the whirlpool
The banke late hopping system technology is integrated between the whirlpool and the wort chiller. Parallel to the wort chiller, the noble, delicate aromas are extracted from the hops, after which the wort is immediately chilled. As a result, the aromas are perfectly blended in the wort without them becoming harsh or overly bitter in the beer. Thanks to this bypass process, the holding times of the hops in the wort can be significantly reduced compared to hop additions in the whirlpool. This allows the extraction of aromas to be controlled independently of the increase in bitterness.
The retention of the spent hop solids in the banke system guarantees safe operation of the downstream equipment, such as in the wort chiller or in other processes.
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